Client Projects
MSPrebiotic™ is a prebiotic resistant starch (RS2) from potatoes. Prebiotics are compounds in food that encourage the growth of beneficial microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi – especially those in our digestive tract.
Resistant starch is a prebiotic because it resists degradation during digestion until it reaches the colon, where it feeds the “good” bacteria living in our gut biome. It also acts as a fibre, resulting in better gut health without causing digestive upset or bloating. MSPrebiotic™ is the only supplement-grade resistant starch on the market. Its benefits are supported by over a decade of human clinical and scientific research.
The product development challenge with MSPrebiotic™ is that it cannot be heated above 60˚C. At that temperature or higher, it loses its prebiotic properties. When the Manitoba-based company that produces MSPrebiotic™ approached us in 2018, our culinary research team was tasked with developing creative applications and recipes for home use, and potential prototypes that could be incorporated into consumer-ready products.
The students involved in this project, Rajveer Kaur Brar and Roxanne Kent, rose to the occasion with five recipes, three of which we share in the following pages.
For the student leading the project, Chong (Terry) Yin, the goal was to devise recipes that included three to five grams per serving of MSPrebiotic™ Resistant Starch supplement.
As well, eight of the recipes had to be low in FODMAP ingredients and be suitable for people choosing to follow a low-FODMAP diet. FODMAP is the collective term for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols – the short-chain carbohydrates and sugar alcohols found in foods and food additives. Low-FODMAP diets have been scientifically validated as effective dietary therapy for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and its symptoms.
Terry combined creativity with his own knowledge of ingredients and recipes from China to create 26 innovative recipes the company could use to promote the versatility and benefits of MSPrebiotic™ for better digestive health.
Did You Know? Over 10,000 years ago, ancestral diets were raw and rich in unripe fruits and vegetables, containing 30-50 g of resistant starch per day. Many processed foods lack fibre of all types, including resistant starch, which acts like a soluble fibre. Today, the average North American gets only 4 g or 20 per cent of the suggested amount of resistant starch from diet alone.